Southwest Truck Driver Training
School Name
Southwest Truck Driver Training
Course Name
Southwest Truck Driver Training
CDL Training Cost
$5,495 financed or $3,995 cash
Course Length
FT (Day Class): 4 weeks / PT (Evening Class): 5 weeks
How Many Hours Do Students Spend In The Truck?
80 hours
How Many Hours Do Students Spend Driving? (Direct Control, Not Observing)
20-40 hours, depending on enrollment
Is The Training Schedule Full-Time or Part-Time?
Both (FT & PT)
Instructor to Student Ratio During Driving (Number of Students In The Truck)
1 instructor to 4 students
Is This Training Offered By A Private Program, or Sponsored By A Trucking Company?
Job Placement Assistance Provided?
Additional Information Provided By The School:
STDT states: “We love what we do, and we love helping our students get to work, make money, and conduct themselves with professionalism and pride in the industry. Our key words at SWTDT are Loyalty, Integrity, and Respect, and we bring those characteristics to all we do.”
580 W. Cheyenne Ave. #40 N. Las Vegas, NV 89030 Las Vegas Nevada