C1 Truck Driver Training

C1 Truck Driver Training

School Name

C1 Truck Driver Training

Course Name

Truck Driver Training

CDL Training Cost


Course Length

4 weeks

How Many Hours Do Students Spend In The Truck?

120 hours

How Many Hours Do Students Spend Driving? (Direct Control, Not Observing)

20 hours minimum

Is The Training Schedule Full-Time or Part-Time?

Full Time

Instructor to Student Ratio During Driving (Number of Students In The Truck)

1 instructor to 2-4 students

Is This Training Offered By A Private Program, or Sponsored By A Trucking Company?


Are Grants and Financial Aid Available At This School?

You may qualify for tuition assistance for CDL training through local, state and federal programs. C1 school personnel can quickly determine if you might qualify for WIA benefits, VocRehab, VA, or other grants for CDL training.

Job Placement Assistance Provided?



317-616-1276 https://c1training.com/truck-driving-schools/c1-indianapolis


3603 E Raymond St Indianapolis, IN 46203 Indianapolis Indiana
