Central Refrigerated Service Truck Driving Academy

Central Refrigerated Service Truck Driving Academy

School Name

Central Refrigerated Service Truck Driving Academy

Course Name

Class A CDL Driver Training

CDL Training Cost

$0 down, $1,200 (w/ contract to work for one year), or $3,000 (w/ no contract)

Course Length

3 weeks (school) + 28 days OTR training

How Many Hours Do Students Spend In The Truck?

200 hours (includes Phase 1, post-grad OTR training)

How Many Hours Do Students Spend Driving? (Direct Control, Not Observing)

200 hours

Is The Training Schedule Full-Time or Part-Time?

Full Time

Instructor to Student Ratio During Driving (Number of Students In The Truck)

1 instructor to 4 students

Is This Training Offered By A Private Program, or Sponsored By A Trucking Company?

Company Sponsored

Job Placement Assistance Provided?


Additional Information Provided By The School:

You will be placed with Central Refrigerated.


801-924-7000 centraltruckdrivingjobs.com


1545 Cedar Grove Rd Conley, GA 30288 Conley Georgia
