Smokey Mountain Trucking Institute
School Name
Smokey Mountain Trucking Institute
Course Name
Class A CDL
CDL Training Cost
$4,000 (+ $150 reg fee)
Course Length
3 weeks
How Many Hours Do Students Spend In The Truck?
80 hours
How Many Hours Do Students Spend Driving? (Direct Control, Not Observing)
80 hours
Is The Training Schedule Full-Time or Part-Time?
Both (FT & PT)
Instructor to Student Ratio During Driving (Number of Students In The Truck)
Both 1 instructor to 2 students, and 1 instructor to 1 student
Is This Training Offered By A Private Program, or Sponsored By A Trucking Company?
Are Grants and Financial Aid Available At This School?
Veteran or Safe Driver scholarships are available on a limited basis.
Job Placement Assistance Provided?
This School Claims to be Certified or Accredited by:
Accredited by the Council on Occupational Education, licensed by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission
3173 Newport Highway Sevierville, TN 37876 Sevierville Tennessee