White Line Express

  • Michigan , Plymouth (02360)
  • 800‐800‐0288
  • https://www.whiteline-express.com/
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To provide exceptional service to our customers by building long-term partnerships that provide cost-effective, consistent, and efficient solutions to their transportation needs.

White Line Express – Mission Statement: 

To provide exceptional service to our customers by building long-term partnerships that provide cost-effective, consistent, and efficient solutions to their transportation needs.

To sustain an atmosphere that challenges each individual with accountability, while providing exceptional service to our customers. Ultimately, our goal is to provide each individual with the opportunity to succeed.

Our Purpose

Whiteline Express is more than just a trucking company; we are partners with our customers, helping them succeed. Our goal is to not only provide exceptional service to our customers, but to their customers, as well.

We distinguish ourselves in the marketplace by delivering service, satisfaction, and confidence. We want our customers to be assured that when they call on Whiteline, their expectations will be exceeded.

Our Values

Our values won’t be compromised. They shape who we are, how we conduct ourselves, and what matters. Essentially, our values are an ongoing promise to our customers.

  • Safety – Not a program, but a process
  • Service – Above self
  • Accountability – Seek truth
  • Dignity – Respect for others
  • Ethics – Do the right thing
  • Trust – Basis for growth
  • Environment – Be responsible

Our Vision – The Future

We are committed to delivering both confidence and satisfaction by exceeding our customers’ expectations. We will never be satisfied with the norm. We will continually seek opportunities for improvement, setting and exceeding our own high standards.

To own the distinction of being the safest carrier on the road, Whiteline Express instills and expects high safety standards at every level. We will accept nothing less and work diligently to ensure that our technology and training support that goal.

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