Best Moose Bumpers for Semi-Trucks

Best Moose Bumpers for Semi-Trucks

For many years moose bumpers have been mounted on semi-trucks. The first designs were simple and sometimes unappealing, but over the years the producers of moose bumpers have become more creative. Now you can find different types of bumpers for semi-trucks in varying designs and structure. The moose bumpers have proven to be very effective against collisions on the highway; hence they are commonly seen on semi-trucks that ply the road daily.

Semi-trucks may be sold with the moose bumpers already mounted, in other cases, old moose bumpers may need to be changed. So it is necessary to know the best moose bumpers for semi-trucks so you can make a good choice that will transform the look of your semi-truck while offering more protection.

What are moose guard bumpers made from?

Moose bumpers are mostly made from reinforced steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. The entire structure is built from different parts that have been specially manufactured independently. The elements of a moose bumper are fused together with screws strategically positioned to give the bumper a solid frame. There are classy designs of moose bumpers made for the owners of semi-trucks who want their trucks to stand out from the rest. You can find chrome plated moose bumpers and other variants such as truck bars, grille guards, and bull bars that have been coated with beautiful finishing materials to add more aesthetics to the product.

Different designs

Shopping for moose bumpers made for semi-trucks will reveal so many plans in the market. The choice is yours; however, you will need to focus on the moose bumpers that have been mainly made for the model of your truck. This way you can get a proper fitting and long-lasting value. Overall, you should choose moose bumper designs that flow with your truck’s personality. These bumpers can transform the look of your semi-truck; some bumper designs are subtle while others may give your semi-truck a menacing look. Some truck drivers and owner operators alike like this look for their trucks. Some best moose bumper guard brands for semi-tractors are Magnum and Herd.

Why are moose bumpers so important?

Moose bumpers for semi-trucks are built to be very strong; they can withstand collisions with trucks or obstacles on the road protecting the trucks engine and the passengers. They are designed to be fenders, on impact, the moose bumpers can deflect stationary objects away from the path of the truck, in many cases clearing the way for the big rig to pass with minimal damage to its engine.

Moose bumpers are also necessary because they protect the headlights and fog lights on semi-trucks. Imagine a truck making a late night delivery and its lights get smashed during a collision, without clear visibility; the driver will hardly be able to continue the journey. Moreover, the headlights and fog lights on these semi-trucks are very expensive. Mounting moose bumpers can save the truck owner a lot of money in the long run because the lamps on the truck will last for years.

Another issue during highway trips that have made it necessary for semi-trucks to have moose bumpers is the frequent occurrence of wild animals straying into the highway during the day and at night. This may happen while the animals attempt to cross the highway in search of food or when they migrate in herds. Without moose bumpers, the truck’s engine or tires can be damaged leaving the driver stranded in the middle of nowhere. While it is unlikely that a collision with stray animals can be averted if the truck is on high speed, the moose bumpers can prevent much damage to the tractor-trailer if there is an impact. The highways have been built for fast moving vehicles and trucks. However collisions cannot be ruled out, but moose bumpers will to a large extent reduce the degree of damage during a crash.

Deer tend to get confused when a vehicle with bright headlights approaches with speed. Therefore, combined with the braking distance a semi-rig requires and a startled deer does not make for an ideal situation for a trucker not equipped with a moose bumpers. Areas where deer are abundantly found include provinces and states that have many National parks such as Alberta, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Dakota, and more. In fact, there have been incidents where a big-rig was not equipped with a moose bumper and the deer made it up and over the hood to shatter the windshield glass. Not an ideal scenario if you ask!

Many moose bumpers have towing hitches that can be used to rescue stranded vehicles on the highway. The hitches are fortified and well positioned within the structure of the moose bumper. These hitches can pull vehicles and other trucks that may have been immobilized due to faults or a crash on the road.

Finally, they look great. Gone are the days when these bumpers where ugly constructions mounted on the trucks. Moose bumpers can give your vehicle a strong character.’ Fortunately, the appearance of moose bumpers matches a wide range of colors so regardless of the color of your vehicle; an excellent looking moose bumper will improve the appearance of your truck.

There are moose bumpers made for different models of semi-trucks. The designs are made based on the trucks measurements and other specifications to ensure that the fitting is right after the bumper is mounted. You can also choose to have a moose bumper custom made for your semi-truck. In this case, you have the liberty to choose a unique design and the materials used to make your customized moose bumper.

Buying guide for semi-truck moose bumpers

herd-moose-bumperThe following tips will help you buy the right moose bumper for your semi-truck.

Check the configuration

The configuration of a moose bumper refers to the placement of the beams to ensure that the headlights and fog lights are well framed without any obstruction. The setting should have an appealing look and formed to protect the vital parts of the semi-truck.

Is it durable?

You can ask some questions about the construction and the materials that were used to make the moose bumper. Check its thickness; it must be made from materials that will not wear due to corrosion. You can get a warranty if the seller permits.

Buy based on the model of your truck

Moose bumpers are made to fit particular truck models. You should search for the bumpers that have been mainly constructed to provide the model of your truck.

Mounting your moose bumper

After taking your time to find and buy the best moose bumper for your truck, you need to get a capable expert who has extensive experience in mounting moose bumpers. It is essential that your bumper is appropriately mounted to withstand the road trips. Correctly installed and fitted moose bumpers last longer, they also remain aligned for many years, and the body of your truck will be protected from scratches and damage that can happen due to vibration during motion on the highway.

In conclusion, the best moose bumpers for semi-trucks are the designs that have been well constructed with the right configuration for your truck and are sturdy enough to protect the trucks lights and body parts from damage. Ensure that you buy a moose bumper that will make your truck stand out while giving you peace of mind on the highway.

3 Replies to “Best Moose Bumpers for Semi-Trucks”

  1. looking for Moose Bumper for 1994 Volvo/White/GMC

  2. looking for a moose bumper for 2021 an64 mack anthem where can i get pricing or a dealer

  3. I have a 2024 Mack, I’m looking for a good durable moose rack bumper for this truck. Where can I find one ir who can I contact?

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