Unlimited Internet for Truckers is a Must!

Unlimited Internet for Truckers is a Must!

If you are old enough to recall the time of the Citizen’s Band radio, then you also understand that networking is not a second thought for most truck drivers. The time before access to the internet was a possibility; truck drivers had to use a CB radio so often that the receivers became a must-have tool for truckers. Instead of a username like you have on the internet, you had a handle which you used to perceive yourself in the midst of CB radio communications.

Truckers use CB radios to move together as a united convoy, make friendships, and speak with various truckers for atmosphere information, street conditions, extraordinary places to stop, and other vital clues that can come from networking with fellow drivers.

The Province of Ontario has elected to rid truckers of CB radios. If this trend continues across the states and provinces of North America, then what alternative will truckers have left?

Wireless Internet Access for Truck Drivers.

There is an unlimited number of options accessible with regards to wireless internet access for truck drivers who are always all over the place. The accompanying report will furnish you with a few methods that truck drivers use to access the internet:

1. Wi-Fi Truck Stops

The lion’s share of truck stops is currently equipped with wireless internet regardless if they are in a high development zone or a remote region. Wireless internet accessibility can be accomplished using a satellite connection, DSL, or through 3G/4G/LTE technologies depending on the territory. Accordingly, it enables truck drivers to access the internet at virtually every stop which helps keep up a constant correspondence with your trucking company. Numerous truck drivers use wireless internet at truck stops to submit necessary documents to their association, speak with shipping and receiving sources, and record other documentation that is required when traveling along the interstate highways.

2. Public Wi-Fi

Contingent upon the area, truck drivers can access public Wi-Fi connections just as you do when you stop at the nearby bistro, public venues, and even the library. Therefore, you don’t need to find a truck stop with a specific objective of just obtaining an internet connection. Instead, you can stop wherever there is public Wi-Fi access and use your cellular phone to access the interweb.

3. Cell Phones with Internet Data

All truck drivers need to have a cell phone; it is impossible to be a trucker without one! Some truckers are okay with using the company provided mobile phone, but this may mean that your boss can snoop on your browsing history. In fact, it probably the most convenient option when it comes to access the unlimited internet for truckers because a good data plan goes a long way. The remarkable thing about cellular internet data connection is that you can create a hotspot link between your cellular device and laptop computer to use the internet interchangeably. As a result, there is no need for a mobile broadband internet stick.

4. Satellite

Since the advent of electronic logbooks and automatic onboard recorders, larger carriers have also added the feature of unlimited internet access for their drivers to the specific interfaces. As a result, you can access a wireless internet connection which is financed by the carrier for which you are working. The way these works is the trucking carrier forms a partnership with the internet service provider which allows its employees to have direct access to the web while drivers are on their trip.

Does Your Freight Contract Require Immediate Sending of the POD?

The POD is the proof of delivery document the consignee signs to confirm receipt of the load. Some brokers have mandated in their agreements that carriers have to send POD’s within a specified time-frame or lose all rights to claim payment for a shipment! Don’t let this happen to you as an owner-operator trucker and ensure you have an internet connection to be able to send proof of deliveries immediately to your broker/shipper.

How Wireless Internet Has Transformed the Transport Industry.

The use of internet in the trucking industry has brought a broad change to things such as the visibility of freight and also the daily social interaction of the truck driver.

1. Communication

While truck drivers still rely on CB and VHF radios, there is a greater need for wireless internet connectivity due to today’s technological environment. Truck drivers are ground zero for updates on a load and fleet managers and shippers alike rely on drivers to provide timely updates. Internet helps truck drivers use many of the trucking apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple Itunes that allows truckers manage finances, find routing information, and communicate with dispatchers.

2. Safety and Compliance

The accessibility of internet telecommunications provides education for drivers regarding regulatory and safety compliance updates associated with their occupation. Instead of relying on hearsay, you can access reliable sources of information direct from the official agencies such as the FMSCA Compliance Safety Accountability program that monitor the transport of goods across America.

3. Weather and Road Conditions

Significant weather and road condition updates are crucial to the career of a trucker. There are so many variables that can change during a trip that not having access to the internet can prove to be a costly mistake. For example, harsh atmospheres, accident delays, construction sites, snow-chain up requirements, seasonal load restrictions, and over-height clearances are crucial things that truckers must be informed on.

Look at this one driver that was not sure if his truck would squeeze through and under a bridge. A simple visit to the DOT website would have given this driver the information they needed!

How Truckers Can Take Advantage of an Internet Connection

1. Listen to Podcasts

Most podcasts require a valid internet connection to stream or download. Truckers have such a vast amount of time which they can spend learning all sorts of business management techniques through their vehicle’s stereo system. In fact, truck drivers have such an excellent opportunity to acquire new knowledge because they have up to 70 hours each week to spend behind the wheel. The concept of listening to audio-books and driving is one of learning and earning at the same time!

2. Discuss Trucking with Fellow Drivers

There are numerous places online where you can speak with other truck drivers such as forums, talk-rooms, and blogs. Truck drivers are never again restricted to conversations on the CB radio or at the local truck stop. You can find out information about street conditions, roadside inspections/spot checkers, and unique concerns related to truck driving. Sites such as Monster, LinkedIn, and Twitter are perfect for staying in contact with various industry professionals and prospective employers.

With the availability of unlimited internet for truckers, the cab of a semi has turned into the driver’s office, giving them a superior advantage of being more productive than in the past.

3 Replies to “Unlimited Internet for Truckers is a Must!”

  1. looking for internet fro my truck

    1. We are on the road full-time and have had luck with the Verizon MiFi. Very few places with spotty reception, unless you’re really out in the middle of nowhere.

  2. Just starting out as a truck driver. Want unlimited internet in my truck so that I can use my laptop and roku tv while over hte road. What is my best options for this?

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