Best Controller for American Truck Simulator

Best Controller for American Truck Simulator

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are many mouse and keyboard playback for PC trucking games, but only some types work with the console. We have tested more than a dozen of the most popular PC controllers in several categories that will help you perfectly customize your game style. The best choice, in general, is thanks to the Microsoft Xbox One controller, the practical design, the excellent build quality and instant compatibility with all PC games. There is a list here for best controllers for American truck simulator.

Logitech Gamepad F310 Controller

Logitech offers a wide range of accessories for long-term computer users, whether economic or modern, and the F310 has a good history. It is the inexpensive and efficient option for those looking for traditional gaming feel with American truck simulator.

The design of the PlayStation Controller is similar to the adjacent and matching control bars. The D-Pad F310 has a more modern experience than other controllers and has a responsive design that is very suitable for platform developers, such as simple menu navigation and shortcuts.

With support for as many games as possible, Logitech wants to create a PC for games only for the F310. The console loads immediately and is released from the box with the latest computer names, but contains other packages that can be used with other games. If you are looking for a game with old computer inputs before the current entry criteria, eg. DirectInput, you can physically change to a device that switches to this mode.

Even if the game is not locally compatible with the console, you can use the unit provided with the F310 to load the driver that configures the keyboard or mouse to enter the preference key in the controller. This is an excellent alternative to the use of third-party control software that re-configures buttons in a different console and includes multiple options of various headers for which predefined profiles may need to be registered for reuse or other configurations. Many gamers who wish they could play American truck simulator on the PlayStation have reviewed the Logitech controller as the best alternative to the Microsoft Steam platform to be able to play the game.


  • It’s purchasable
  • Friendly and easy to use design
  • Works with the latest computer games


  • Cheap construction quality

Xbox One controller

Microsoft’s Xbox One console captures and enhances the impressive build quality and environment of the Xbox 360 board, making it the best controller in the world for any game. The controller controls a more traditional four-sided style than the D-Pad 360 disc style and offers better resolution.

The shoulder pins are comfortable to rest your fingers, and the triggers provide strong feedback. To minimize the film, the strips are filled with a smooth center and a blurry edge, and the Guide button moves away from the top and middle buttons to prevent inadvertent entry.

The Xbox One controller offers additional imaginative features designed to be the best integrated and convenient option for any game. Since the device provides the same support for instant communication and playback as the 360 tablets, it usually works on all modern console-assisted computer games. The latest version of the Xbox One Wireless Controller is the newest version of the rear sports bracket, which supports Bluetooth technology, as well as Bluetooth support and wireless support on a Windows PC without a key.


  • Comfortable ergonomic design
  • Instant compatibility with most PC games
  • Solid construction quality


  • Without Bluetooth support

Steam Controller

The steam controller is a unique offering in the sense that it has touch sensitive pad in place of the traditional joystick. Although this is a great feature, especially if you want to use most functions, especially double-touch pads, there is a learning curve. Unlike the majority in need, it seems strange.

But it works well, and my satisfaction with American Truck Simulator worked. Something I avoided was an overload regulator with a memorable set of buttons. The configuration is straightforward. But it’s odd: I use it almost entirely, and sometimes it’s hard to go back to the keyboard and the mouse. The reason for this is that the controller allows the controller to act as the steering wheel with internal rotation, which is less accurate and realistic than pressing A and D again. This configuration applies to simple speed vectors that do not require cohesion.

Some reasons to play the American truck simulator

Maybe you saw the American Truck Simulator videos on the web? The word “simulation” has been used in recent years to the extent of ridicule and little-known, and not some programs are known mainly to men. Euro Truck Simulation 2 is much more famous and still worth thinking about whether you want to take the game seriously. ATS, I’ve spent my time to make sure it’s worth it and addicting to play.

This is a role-playing game, puzzle game, and simulation

Driving a large truck to simulate a sense of conditions, the ATS managed to do what needs to be done. Proceeding directly behind the truck for euro simulation, you should not be surprised: the use and management of game mechanics are subtle factors and the feeling of full speed to fly better than the highway trailer with fireworks, it seems that slow control is not very difficult, but it is undeniably too tricky, because it should be. However, ATS offers more than just transport for trucks. SCS developers also added role-playing features so that you can get more information. Doing business, studying places and even parking your trailer into a loading dock will let you experience your personality. If you always wanted to run a trucking depot, it gives you the opportunity to earn more money and work more universally and openly.
It can be the best sim that you experience.

The graphics are good, entirely dependent on the graphics card of your gaming computer. ATS knows how the simulation shakes its traditional monotonous sound and smooth-eyed visual aesthetics. In the latest simulation of the company, which offers some of the best examples of this kind, perhaps the most attractive ATS is “ordinary,” and you will find this in the simulation. Graphically, there are acceptable details which you can use. There is a full day and night courses and a short schedule of many sunsets, according to law, and the hours of service regulations that have puzzled many real-life American truckers. The rays of the sun penetrate the hills and tree lines, which look very beautiful, without weakening the glare, which limits the appearance of the summit. If you approach the tracts, you will see a weak rain and storm through the deserted deserts, where you go, while walking along the road, beating the headlights with bright rays, disperse 4:00. Seeing to help find sailing.

Cities and Monuments of Las Vegas The leading lights of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, there are enough details. So, in Los Angeles, there is a Hollywood sign (Hollywood, but the license does not speak about the essence). Nevertheless, the game can be scaled regarding hardware. I (in sufficient detail) to work how you want it to. The highest accuracy with a medium-sized MacBook Pro and the game still work at a respectable price. If the device is not very modern or clearly defined, it is difficult, because you also get silky performance in the setup.

There are much magnitude and detail.

The reproduction is as realistic and detailed as you want. I used a PS4 controller with a semi-automatic gearbox system and did not have any difficulty getting a truck when I wanted. I am about to lose the director because I am trying to change the last minute of any damage or damage, or a very fast angle or strip, caused by me on the screen. We recommend that you have a cheap gaming board or use any Xbox 360 controller or regular Logitech controller, but you can do it quickly if you want to use your keyboard and mouse.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you are a fan of hand tools, there is support for most of the steering wheel and accessories, including transmissions. All of your functions have a million buttons to control your trumpet, flashing lights, road computer and truck stations, but you can only get away using a few tasks. After playing for a while, you will find yourself when you think “I wonder if there is a button for it …”

The game motivates ordinary people and allows them to get immersed like an RPG. You will be rewarded to discover new cities and companies along the way. You will not be active in your map until you come to a physical route, you will not be able to buy from almost any proxy – you will have to explore them by the truck first. The tuning system and the XP system provide a clear sense of progress which gives the game a goal beyond marking the boxes for a few talks.

The world can carry trailers to them, the cloth is not just an annoying piece, and there is a clear sense of life in the game world – and this does not necessarily apply to the word “simulator” in the title. Floats are walking down the streets and standing around the buildings and many construction miles, supermarkets and industrial facilities that you find yourself in the past driving, in fact, work as a delivery point and leave other businesses.

To Sum it Up…

Overall, the descriptive features of American truck simulator make it a game too immersive to play with your keyboard and mouse, it’s time to upgrade to a controller. Once you have experienced the handheld controller for ATS, you should consider getting behind the ‘simulated’ tractor-trailer with a steering wheel.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Trucking games similar to ATS…”][vc_basic_grid post_type=”page” max_items=”1″ orderby=”menu_order” grid_id=”vc_gid:1530565251821-eac9a588-7eb6-2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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